Once a Behind-the-Scenes Person, Denise Wakeman Teaches Blogging to the World
When Denise Wakeman entered the realm of Internet marketing, she was no novice to the business world. She had managed behind-the-scenes marketing functions for her husband, a business coach, and promoted the business they launched together in 1996. After the partnership dissolved, she realized that if she did the online marketing for that business, she could do it for other business owners. She started her online marketing and consulting business in 2002, teaching people how to leverage the Internet.
Today, Denise is recognized as an expert in blogging. Though she knew blogging was used for politics because Howard Dean used it in his 2004 campaign, she was unaware that it could be used for businesses until a friend called to tell Denise she had created a blog. Denise knew she would have to create a blog also because the friend would need her technical assistance. Overnight, Denise developed a blog using Typepad, which she still uses for her blog sites. She says, “As soon as I created my blog, I knew immediately that blogging was a great marketing tool. It was much easier and faster than developing a website.”
In 2005, she started the Blog Squad with a partner. Denise had been following Tom Antion’s career, as well as others in the Internet marketing field, for a long time when she heard that he was going to be speaking in San Diego. She attended his session and says, “I was blown away. My partner and I knew he was the one we needed.” Though Denise and her partner had Internet marketing skills, they were looking for someone with advanced Internet marketing knowledge to teach them. She adds, “What I like about Tom is that he experiments and tests everything before he teaches it. I know I don’t have to reinvent the wheel.”

Just one of Denise's many products for business.
Teaching, writing and speaking about blogging catapulted her blogging career and soon she was recognized as an expert. In 2008, Denise became the sole owner of her business.
Prior to starting her blogging business, Denise always thought of herself as a behind-the-scenes person. Now, she regards herself as resilient. Speaking of her success, she says, “I made it happen on my own. I can help transform other business owners.” Denise is reaching across the world to help other people and alleviate poverty. Last year she launched Lending Team as part of Kivachallenge.org, a microfinance organization that provides $25 loans to entrepreneurs across the globe.
Referring to herself as an implementer, Denise says, “I implement what I learn. You have to take action. You can study with mentors and coaches, but you have to be willing to do the work yourself.” She continues, “You also have to be confident that what you have to offer has value. You can’t compare yourself to others who do the same thing and let self-doubt creep in. The times I have been most successful are the times when I remember that I have something valuable to offer. I bring me to the table.”